Bank Account Information :
STATE BANK OF INDIA , Current account No: 30712569816, IFS CODE: SBIN0007989, RPC Layout, Bangalore.
To make instant online donation, please click on the link below
You can participate in the following ways:
• Spend your Time with us
• Share your Knowledge. How can I do this?
• Donate Resources or Money
1. Time:
Volunteer and spend your time with the children or help us in organizing our programs
2. Knowledge:
Share your acquired knowledge and experience which can help the children.
3. Resources/Money:
Donate money / sponsor Baalya Foundation program / sponsor one day food / sponsor education to a child / sponsor new clothes to a child / sponsor a plant to a school / donate books / contribute monthly or yearly funds / become a volunteer or a member.
Volunteer Registration
Please send a mail to
Code of Conduct for Volunteers