

Rural Classroom Teaching

Arivu is a new program started by Baalya foundation in the year 2012. This program targets Kannada medium school children of Karnataka.

Anybody will be surprised to know that 86% of schools in Karnataka are Kannada medium schools in comparison with English medium schools(as stated in Education website of Karnataka Govt.). It is a known fact that education lacks quality in most of these Kannada medium schools due to lack of good faculty and good facilities as compared with other schools in cities.

From this large number of Kannada medium students, majority of the students cannot change to English medium education to create a good future for themselves. Therefore, it becomes the duty of every Kannadiga to find solutions to improve quality of education and add sense to Kannada medium education. Arivu aims at attempting to find solutions in this area.

How can you contribute ?

    • Make a contribution to "Arivu" using any suitable creative/innovative method of your choice.

    • One method could be : Select a topic and prepare a presentation/article based on a chapter from a text book of any School. Add pictures, videos, animations or text that can add more value to the contents of the chapter to make it a livelier presentation and a fun-presentation.

    • Try to prepare the article in Kannada since "Arivu" is targeted at Kannada medium rural schools of Karnataka.

    • Send your presentations to (Kindly use google drive or any file sharing facility to share large files)

    • You are welcome to present your article/s in one of our "Arivu" programs at a rural school. You can also allow us to present your article/s in one of our "Arivu" programs if you cannot make it to the program in person.

    • Find 10th Std. Text books here and sample presentations at the end of this page.

Arivu 2012

On September 1st 2012, the first classroom teaching program was organized by Baalya. In a rural school very close to Electronic city of Bangalore, in a place called Hennagara, a very enthusiastic group of kananda medium school children got together to learn something new.

A team of four members from Baalya conducted presentations about Motorcycles, Heat Engines, Planet earth and a movie screening on Fighter aircrafts of India and of the world. All presentations were made in kannada and were received very well by the students. Stressing the importance of the role that mother tongue can play in good quality education, it could also bring out original ideas and thinking from the children who represent the future of the nation.

One more Arivu program organized on December 8th 2012 in the same school of Hennagara, Anekal.

Topics presented :

1. Rockets and Satellites

2. Fun with Science experiments

Arivu 2013

The first teaching program for the year 2013 was conducted in the same rural school in Hennagara near Electronic city. The topic was "Vidyut Shakti - Vidyut Kaanti". There was also a demonstration of a small motor and generator kit to make the students understand the concepts more practically. Find the presentation on the main "Arivu" page.

Topics presented :

1. How two wheelers works

2. How Airplanes Fly